We Got It, Again!
In 2015, YDO received a grant from the Cummings Foundation’s $100K for 100 program this award fundamentally changed our organization. YDO acquired First Choice Transit, which brought three passenger vans, two experienced drivers, and invaluable operational expertise in house. Now, two-thirds of YDO Kids rely on our transportation program each year to take them to and from YDO and our partners programs in and outside of Lawrence. We have also worked with several other Lawrence nonprofits including Elevated Thought, Groundwork Lawrence, and Communities Together to help meet their transportation needs. The impact of that first Cummings Foundation investment in YDO has been markedly deep and far-reaching!
Today, we are incredibly proud to announce that YDO is back on the list of $100K for 100 winners!!! This grant will support YDO’s newest program, Postsecondary Pathways, to provide our growing number of high school students with personalized pathways to access and complete postsecondary education through individually tailored guidance, resources, and networking.
A complete list of Cummings Foundation grantees can be found here. The Foundation was especially generous to Lawrence this year, awarding nine grants within the City.