Miqueas Webb
19 Years with YDO
Involvement: Math Games, Oceanography, DESIGNCAMP, YDO Summer Staff
My YDO Story | Even the shy thrive at YDO
Miqueas Webb, 2016
- Architecture Student at Wentworth - Whittier Tech '13
Throughout my life, I’ve never really had much confidence. However, when Howard Sticklor approach me telling me he wanted me to get involved with an afterschool program, I was extremely surprised. Me? Why me? What had I done to get his attention? Regardless of the questions, I jumped at the opportunity and joined a Math Games program. After that, I was hooked. I wanted to be involved in anything I could. And, immediately, I was embraced by this new family – a group of people that cared about what they were learning and growing in so many ways. I was so happy to be a part of it!
The experiences I had in different YDO programs, helped build the confidence I have today. I saw what interacting with different people and establishing bonds with them could do in a young person’s life. That’s why I chose to help teach in the first year of YDO Summer, when we barely had 20 kids in a small little room across the street. I wanted to help those younger kids feel what I felt when I first joined. If I could give that to even one child, I’d be happy. That was my goal and I’m so happy to see all my friends and younger kids grow up and now be mentors along with me.
As the years pass, I see more and more kids come and join the programs and I see how even the shyest and least confident child could become an example for others.
I graduated from Whittier Tech in 2013, and I’m currently majoring in Architecture at Wentworth Institute of Technology.