Student Spotlight
Keep up to date with noteworthy news and accomplishments of our students.

Sabrina Marte
Grade 12
8 Years with YDO
Building upon her early college experience at ALA, Merrimack College named Sabrina a Pioneer Scholar with an award to cover her costs for all four years.

Oziel Arias
Grade 5
3 Years with YDO
Oziel was named Most Improved Student by the staff of YDO Summer 2019.

Jennifer Tran
Grade 12
10 Years with YDO
Jenn completed an 8-week STEM fellowship at Station1 and gained invaluable experience as an intern with Accion Systems.

Jahmo Chavez
Grade 9
5 Years with YDO
Representing Greater Lawrence Vocational School, Jahmo was named one of 2017’s Lawrence Leaders.

Mya Garcia
Grade 5
3 Years with YDO
To an audience of 200, Mya spoke about her YDO experience for attendees of the 5th Taste of the Merrimack Valley.

Manases Jiminian
Grade 8
2 Years with YDO
At 8th Grade promotion, Manases was awarded top honors – The Principal’s Award – at Parthum Middle School.

Eric Berard
Grade 7
3 Years with YDO
After the successful completion of his bike rack project, Eric has become a spokesperson for Aaron’s Presents.

Giancarlos Jaime-Guzman
Grade 8
4 Years with YDO
Giancarlos speaks at the dedication of YDO’s STEM Design Lab to Harvey S. Gelfand by his son, Mark.

Kyara Javier
Grade 8
3 Years with YDO
Kyara was admitted into the Wellesley A Better Chance (ABC) program and will attend high school in a boarding environment with a cohort of academically talented girls of color.

Hillary Tufino
Grade 5
3 Years with YDO
At the 2019 MA Science Olympiad, Hillary became YDO’s first-ever double medal winner for her Top 3 finishes in Write-It/Do-It (2nd) & Roller Coaster (3rd).

Glorimar de los Santos
Grade 7
4 Years with YDO
An event planner in the making, Glorimar took the lead in organizing a Halloween party for the younger YDO Kids.

Alexander Delacruz
Grade 4
2 Years with YDO
Alex captured a lead role as Mogli in the LPS Frost Elementary’s performance of The Jungle Book.

Camille Lopez
Grade 7
3 Years with YDO
Camille won a grant from Aaron’s Presents to design a more inviting, interactive library at YDO.

Josue Rivera
Grade 12
2 Years with YDO
Josue addresses his fellow Lawrence High graduates as valedictorian of LHS-MST (Math, Science & Technology Academy)

Yaznairy Cabrera
Grade 12
7 Years with YDO
Yaznairy has won a QuestBridge Scholarship (four-years, full-tuition) to attend Williams College, beginning Fall 2016

Daniela Reyes
Grade 12
8 Years with YDO
Daniela has secured a full, four-year scholarship to attend Williams College, thanks to the QuestBridge National College Match program.

Stephanie Lima
Grade 10
3 Years with YDO
Stephanie received front-page recognition from the Eagle Tribune for her artwork inspired by her experiences during the Merrimack Valley gas explosions and recovery.

Yashira Huertas
Grade 5
3 Years with YDO
Yashira was named Most Valuable Student by the staff of YDO Summer 2017. (She took home Most Outstanding Citizen honors in 2016.)

Leslie Perez
Grade 5
3 Years with YDO
Leslie secured a grant from Aaron’s Presents to plan & host the Festival d’Arte for Cosecha at YDO.

Victor Rivera
Grade 6
2 Years with YDO
Victor was named Most Valuable Student by the staff of YDO Summer 2016.

Yashira Maysonet
Grade 10
5 Years with YDO
YDO’s dance instructor, Yashira shines as Dopey in Lawrence High’s Snow White – Spring 2016

Coral Sabino
Grade College Junior
10 Years with YDO
Coral, a QuestBridge Scholar at the University of Chicago, is studying abroad (Fall 2015) in Rome, Italy. YDO’s first Director of YDO Summer, describes the experience as “definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”.